
Monday Dec 30, 2013
1P 050 - Navajo Wars
Monday Dec 30, 2013
Monday Dec 30, 2013
Welcome to episode 50! It's amazing that I have gotten this far and there seems to be no shortage of games to talk about. This time, I look at Navajo Wars by Joel Toppen. I also talk to Joel about the game. It's a very interesting discussion.

Sunday Dec 08, 2013
1P 049 - Dawn of the Zeds
Sunday Dec 08, 2013
Sunday Dec 08, 2013
Once again it's braiiins time here on the 1 Player podcast. This time, we look at Victory Point Games take on the theme with the States of Siege, Dawn of the Zeds, designed by Hermann Luttmann. This is one of the biggest most complex States of Siege game so far. You get tons of options and variety and decisions to make all with fantastic graphic design.

Tuesday Nov 12, 2013
1P 048 - Dungeon Heroes
Tuesday Nov 12, 2013
Tuesday Nov 12, 2013
I am in the midst of moving this week. I don't have much time for a show but this one is surprisingly long. I talk to Todd R from French Toast Games about Spell Saga. This is a Tabletop Novel he has on Kickstarter right now. That's a narrative told in the form of a card game. I also look at Dungeon Heroes by Michael Coe of Gamelyn Games. Dungeon Heroes is a neat little dungeon crawler that can be played solo in about 10 or 15 minutes.

Monday Oct 14, 2013
1P 047 - Cuba Libre
Monday Oct 14, 2013
Monday Oct 14, 2013
This month's game is Cuba Libre. This is a game I've been really excited about playing for a long time. If finally came out about a month ago and I've been learning,playing and enjoying it the last few weeks. This is the 2nd or 3rd game in GMT's COIN series and is co-designed by Volko Ruhnke & Jeff Grossman. The game is about the Cuban Revolution of the 1950's.
- Cuba Libre on BGG
- Essen 2013 solitaire games Geeklist
- 1 Player Guild
- Eldritch Horror by Fantasy Flight Games

Sunday Sep 22, 2013
1P 046 - Chronicles of Arax
Sunday Sep 22, 2013
Sunday Sep 22, 2013
This episode is once again mostly about Print and Play games. Specifically, I talk to Chris Hansen about the Solitaire PnP Design Contest going on right now as well as about his new endeavor with White Dog Games. Finally, I l look at the solitaire RPG, Chronicles of Arax.

Sunday Sep 08, 2013
1P 045 - In Magnificent Style
Sunday Sep 08, 2013
Sunday Sep 08, 2013
I've been busy busy busy lately so in this episode I find time to talk about games I may talk about some day. Then, I look closely at In Magnificent Style by Hermann Luttmann and published by Victory Point Games. This is a neat little game about the Pickett's Charge during the Battle of Gettysburg in the American Civil War. The game recreates this hopeless charge in a very entertaining way.
- In Magnificent Style on BGG
- In Magnificent Style at Victory Point Games
- The Covetous Poet's Adventure Creator and Solo GM Guidebook on KS
- Solitaire PnP Design Contest on BGG
- Alien Uprising on KS

Monday Aug 19, 2013
1P 044 - Silverton
Monday Aug 19, 2013
Monday Aug 19, 2013
All aboard! This episode I attempt to look at solo friendly train games. I don't get very in depth into that but I do reminisce about old video games. I go into more detail about Silverton. It's a game I really like because of the history and gameplay.

Monday Aug 05, 2013
1P 043 - Shut the Box
Monday Aug 05, 2013
Monday Aug 05, 2013
This episode I briefly talk about the game Shut the Box and even play the game live on the show! I also list my Top 10-ish solitaire games.

Monday Jul 22, 2013
1P 042 - Infection: Humanity's Last Gasp
Monday Jul 22, 2013
Monday Jul 22, 2013
This is the post vacation episode so I don't talk about much more than just this show's game. That game is Infection by John Gibson. I interviewed John a few months ago and we talked about this game which was still in beta testing. The game has since been published and is now available. Actually, today is it's 2 month anniversary. Happy game anniversary John. I also briefly talk about my vacation and have a suggestion for travelling with games.

Sunday Jun 30, 2013
1P 041 - Urbion
Sunday Jun 30, 2013
Sunday Jun 30, 2013
I finally get around to reviewing Onirim's younger brother, Urbion, aka Equilibrion. The game is similar in style and simplicity, however it does have it's own distinct feel. Does the game hold up to it's legacy? It does for me.

Monday Jun 17, 2013
1P 040 - Barbarian Prince
Monday Jun 17, 2013
Monday Jun 17, 2013
Episode 40 is here! In this episode I talk a lot about print & play games. I go into tools, supplies and even a bit about technique. Then, I review a game which was originally a commercial game but is now available as PnP.
- Barbarian Prince on BGG
- The Game Crafter
- Print and Play Productions
- ArtsCow
- Printer Studio
- Meeple Source
- Mini Poker Chips from Discount Poker Shop

Tuesday May 28, 2013
1P 039 - Disaster on K2
Tuesday May 28, 2013
Tuesday May 28, 2013
In this game I look at mountain climbing. There are two games on the subject and I review the smaller sized one... Disaster on K2 by Tom Decker. As may is a crazy month, this is about all I look at. I do, however, give a brief "explanation" of the event that set the theme behind this game in which 11 climbers died on K2 in a single day.

Monday May 13, 2013
1P 038 - AstroNavis Merchant Advanced
Monday May 13, 2013
Monday May 13, 2013
This episode covers a neat little Print and Play game on transporting goods across the galaxy. The game is AstroNavis Merchant Advanced. You take on the role of a trader whose just taken a loan out on a ship and has 3 months left to repay it. Your going to need to haul quite a few loads in those 3 months.
I also give a quick recap of Solitaire Gaming Month and my recent solitairish activities which mainly amount to thrifting a few games.
- AstroNavis Merchant Advanced
- AstroNavis Merchant
- Solitaire Gaming Month geeklist
- Galaxy Defenders on KickStarter
- Upon a Fable on KickStarter
- Run For Your Life on Kickstarter

Sunday Apr 28, 2013
1P 037 - Rune Age
Sunday Apr 28, 2013
Sunday Apr 28, 2013
This long overdue episode is finally out. In this show, I look at Rune Age, the deck-building game by Corey Konieczka and published by Fantasy Flight Games in 2011. This is a fantasy themed deck-building game set in the world of Terrinoth which is also the setting for Rune bound, DungeonQuest, Descent, and Rune Wars. All of which, except for the last 2, support solitaire play. I also introduce solitaire gaming month... May!
- Rune Age on BGG.
- Rune Age: Oath and Anvil expansion on BGG.
- Runebound on BGG.
- DungeonQuest (3rd edition) on BGG.
- Computer AIs for games.

Monday Apr 01, 2013
1P 036 - Bowling Solitaire
Monday Apr 01, 2013
Monday Apr 01, 2013
This episode covers, briefly, the history of solitaire, resolves a contest, and then describes a different solitaire... Bowling Solitaire by Sid Sackson. Happy April Fool's Day all.
- Bowling Solitaire on BGG
- Flash Point: Fire Rescue - Extreme Danger on Kickstarter
- Baldric's Tomb on Kickstarter
- Dungeon Crawler figures on Kickstarter
- Origins of Patience/Solitaire