
Saturday Jan 15, 2022
1P 238 - Worldbreakers: Advent of the Khanate
Saturday Jan 15, 2022
Saturday Jan 15, 2022
This week I interview Elli Amir, designer of the game Worldbreakers: Advent of the Khanate. This is a two player card game with a solo campaign mode which will be coming to Kickstarter in March. I really enjoyed this conversation with Elli, not only did they talk about the game and the solo mode for the game but they told me a bit about the process of commissioning art for a game. I really enjoy hearing the backstory for games and game design. This was a really good conversation and I look forward to seeing more of the game, which can be tried for free on Tabletopia!
- Worldbreakers: Advent of the Khanate (BGG, website, Tabletopia)
- How to play video (YouTube)
- Solo playthrough (YouTube)
- Mailing List (website)

Saturday Jan 08, 2022
1P 237 - Forgotten Waters
Saturday Jan 08, 2022
Saturday Jan 08, 2022
This week Julius tells us about the Plaid Hat Games game, Forgotten Waters. This is a family friendly piratical adventure on the high seas.
- Forgotten Waters (BGG, Plaid Hat Games)

Saturday Dec 25, 2021
1P 236 - Maquis
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Today Julius and I bring back a classic game to the table. We are looking at the 2013 Solo PnP Design Contest game, Maquis by Jake Staines. The second edition of this game was just published so we look at it again. The published version is quite a nice package and very well worth looking into.
- Maquis (BGG, Side Room Games)
- Maquis New Content for first edition (Side Room Games)

Saturday Dec 18, 2021
1P 235 - Ironsworn
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Julius and I talk about the RPG Ironsworn, designed by Shawn Tomkin. The game is a full fledged RPG that can be played solo or co-operatively and can work equally well either way. It's set in a fantasy world that you define. It's quite a good game... and really an excellent RPG all around. It's available for free to download or you can purchase physical copies of the book. If the fantasy setting isn't your thing, you can check out the upcoming Starforged game based on the same system.
Also, I joined the guys at the More Games Than Time to help celebrate their 1 year anniversary. Check out the episode, linked below.
- Ironsworn (RPGGeek, website, DriveThruRPG)
- Starforged (RPGGeek, website, late pledge)
- More Games Than Time (episode 13)

Saturday Dec 11, 2021
1P 234 - Arkham Horror LCG: Innsmouth Conspiracy, part I
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
This week Julius and I discuss the no longer latest campaign for the Arkham Horror card game. I am writing of Innsmouth Conspiracy. In this campaign, you get to explore Innsmouth and environs and have all sorts of interesting adventures. This is part 1 of 2 episodes. In this part, we cover the first four campaigns. Just a note, but part 2 will not be the next.. give it a bit of time :)
Come listen.. we are labelling this a spoiler episode as it will give away some of the story and a small bit of strategy. However, it's a very small bit of strategy. Based on what I learned from Julius, I doubt I will have more success the next time I play.

Saturday Dec 04, 2021
1P 233 - Fire of Eidolon
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
This week, I teach Julius about Fire of Eidolon from Magic Meeple Games and designed by Michael Lipton. It's a fun little Pandemic style game in which you expand the dudgeon as you explore it and then watch it crumble away as you race to collect the Fire of Eidolon and get out before becoming trapped forever.
I really like this game with all the variability in set-up and options. Julius is less impressed and says he'd rather play Forbidden Island.
- Fire of Eidolong (BGG, Magic Meeple)
- Forbidden Island (BGG)

Saturday Nov 27, 2021
1P 232 - Tale of the Manticore
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
Hi folks! Another chat with a solo content creator. This time, it's with Jon, the host of the Tale of the Manticore podcast. This show is a hybrid solo RPG playthrough/ dark fiction podcast. The podcast is a serial story in which "the dice determine" the fate of the characters. A story is being told and crafted by playing a solo game of Dungeons and Dragons.
Jon does an amazing job of producing a high quality show. This is an excellent example of what can be accomplished by playing an RPG solo. It's done without an emulator and Jon takes the role of both character and DM, though primarily DM. It's an excellent show worth listening to and easy to binge and catch up!
- Tale of the Manticore (website)
- One Shot in the Dark (Drive Thru RPG)

Saturday Nov 20, 2021
1P 231 - ROVE
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
This week Julius and I talk to Jason Tagmire of Button Shy games. We talk about small games, design contests and the upcoming game ROVE. It's going to be released on the Button Shy website on Black Friday. Check it out, it's a neat little spatial puzzle of a game.

Friday Nov 12, 2021
1P 230 - Cascadia
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
This week Julius and I talk about the game Cascadia, the game of the Pacific Northwest, designed by Randy Flynn and published by Flatout Games. This is a tile laying game in which you are placing tiles with a mix environments and populating them with a variety of animals to try and maximize your score. It's pretty abstract but it's pretty fun and you can try the solo game on-line to see what you think. I can say, we like it.
This episode features my Golden Retriever, Kaylee, barking in the background throughout the episode. I removed a lot of the barks but there is only so much I could do. Later on, she got into the room I was recording in and started eating the catfood out of the bowl. I hope all that noise is not too distracting!
- Cascadia (BGG, Flatout Games, online solo game)

Saturday Nov 06, 2021
1P 229 - Pandemic: The Cure
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
It's back to the table for us with Pandemic: The Cure. This is the classic game of world saving, dice chucking fun. The game is a dice version of the now classic Pandemic. Julius and I revisit the game and see how it holds up.

Saturday Oct 30, 2021
1P 228 - Storm Above the Reich
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
This week I talk about Storm Above the Reich, a GMT game designed by Mark Aasted & Jeremy White. This is a WWII game in which you simulate the German air defense against American bombers. You control a group of fighters that try to engage and bring down the American bombers. The game is a stand-alone sequal to Skies Above the Reich and can be integrated with it to get a much longer campaign game. I quite enjoyed the game and hope the podcast does a fair job of giving you a sense of what it's like.
Shame on me for also forgetting to mention that GMT currently has Skies Above Britain on their P500. This is the British equivalent of the game.
Finally, I had my Covid booster yesterday and just feel worn out today. If I did a poor job of editing this week, well, more poor than normal, then blame that.
Not really discuss but also check these out.

Saturday Oct 23, 2021
1P 227 - Solenia
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
This week, Julius talks about Solenia. In this game, you ply the winds of a tiny planet trading for goods and stuff on a giant yellow airship.
- Solenia (BGG)

Saturday Oct 16, 2021
1P 226 - Errant Adventures Podcast
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
This week I return to interviewing other solo podcast hosts. This time around, it's Steve Morrison of Errant Adventures. The podcast features playthroughs of solo games. Each game spans multiple episodes and after over 40 weekly episodes he's still on his third game. We have a long rambling discussion centered around solo roleplaying as well as his podcast. I hope you enjoy!

Saturday Oct 09, 2021
1P 225 - Cantaloop: Breaking Into Prison
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
This week Julius and I delve into the realm of point and click video games... sort of. We are talking about a point and click board game, or more precisely, book game. Cantaloop: Breaking Into Prison is an analog game that plays, looks and feels like a classic point and click adventure, think The Secret of Monkey Island or Grim Fandango from Lucas Arts. Just, there is no clicking in this game as it's all based on a book.

Saturday Oct 02, 2021
1P 224 - Coldwater Crown
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
This week I teach Julius about the game Coldwater Crown. This is a game in which you are competing in a fishing tournament to get the most trophy points. Like a modern dance competition, there are trophies available for just about anything you do. Come hear what someone that doesn't like fishing think about this game.
- Coldwater Crown (BGG, Bellwether Games)