
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
1P 194 - Under Falling Skies
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Today Julius and I spend some time talking about the pretty darned new solo game Under Falling Skies published by Czech Games Edition and designed by Tomáš Uhlíř. In this game you are defending earth from a line of invading aliens as they drop closer and closer to your bases one row at a time. My gosh... in the episode I compared it to Missle Command but's more of a Space Invaders isn't it? Whoops. Anyway, it's a neat game with a ton of options!
Oh wow! I only just realized this was originally a 9 card PnP game! How cool is that!?
- Under Falling Skies (BGG)

Saturday Feb 06, 2021
1P 193 - One or More
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
This week Julius and I discuss solo gaming and controlling more than one player while playing solo. This refers to playing multiple characters in a co-op, such as Pandemic but also playing opposing sides in a multiplayer game. There is so much more we could have said but we kept it short at just 35-ish minutes! We mentioned a bunch of games. I'll have to be honest though. I didn't think to write them down so I will list the ones I remembered.
- Pandemic (BGG)
- Pandemic: Iberia (BGG)
- Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu (BGG)
- Pandemic: The Cure (BGG)
- Pandemic: Rapid Response (BGG)
you seeing a thread here?

Saturday Jan 30, 2021
1P 192 -Upkeep
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
This isn't podcast about dealing with upkeep when playing M:TG. This episode is about the family game Upkeep in which your goal is to upkeep your yard by raking all the leaves. It's a light family game that can be played cooperatively or solo.
- Upkeep (BGG)

Saturday Jan 23, 2021
1P 191 - Maeshowe
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Another special episode. I welcome back Lee Broderick, designer of Maeshowe, the grim game of escaping an ancient cairn after accidentally falling through the roof. The game is based on a historical event as chronicled in the Orkneyinga Saga.
Lee tells us all about the history of Maeshowe and then we discuss the game. Oh, it's currently on Kickstarter! Check it out.

Saturday Jan 16, 2021
1P 190 - Dungeon Alliance
Saturday Jan 16, 2021
Saturday Jan 16, 2021
This week Julius teaches us about the dungeon crawler, Dungeon Alliance. It sounds like quite a fun puzzle of a game.. think Mage Knight but in half the time and in a dungeon!
- Dungeon Alliance (BGG)

Saturday Jan 09, 2021
1P 189 - Warp's Edge
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
In this episode, Julius and I discuss the solo bag-building game Warp's Edge from Renegade Game Studio and designed by Mr. Scott Almes. This is an excellent game with some, um, interesting production choices. Listen in and get the details.
- Warp's Edge (BGG, Renegade Games)
- Warp's Edge: Viren Invasion (BGG, Renegade Games)

Saturday Jan 02, 2021
1P 188 - Cerebria: The Inside World
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Buckle up folks for this long mindtrip of a show. Julius teaches about the game Cerebria. It's a great looking game with some nice artwork. Definitely worth looking into it.
- Cerebria (BGG)

Saturday Dec 26, 2020
1P 187 - Travis Hill
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
In this excellentest of holiday episodes Travis Hill joins us to talk about journaling RPGs, including a few of his design. Come enjoy a chat with one of the hosts of the former Lower Player Count podcast.
- Presspot Games (itch.io, Gumroad.com)
- Delve map-making RPG (Kickstarter complete)

Saturday Dec 19, 2020
1P 186 - Theme or Mechanic
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
In this episode, Julius and I discuss what matters more, theme or mechanic. Come along and listen to our rambling thoughts.

Saturday Dec 12, 2020
1P 185 - Pocket Landships
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
A very light wargame set in an alternate timelean Pocket Landships is. Sorry, Yodaspeak but this is a neat dice chucking game of fighting steam powered mecha with a big ol' diesel tank. Fun it is so check out the review.

Saturday Dec 05, 2020
1P 184 - Aerion
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
This week we finally talk about Aerion, the sixth game so far in the Oniverse series. Shady originally said the hope was to make seven games total so hopefully there is still one more to go. Then they can go back and re-publish Urbion/Equilibrion that hasn't yet been made in the larger box size.
Anyway, Aerion is a dice game similar but not at all like Yahtzee!

Saturday Nov 28, 2020
1P 183 - Suburbia
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
In this episode Julius and I get Suburbia back to the table. This game was first covered by Julius way back in episode 95. That was way back in January of 2016.. wow! Well, I have now finally played the game though I've had a copy sitting around for a couple of years. Find out what we think about the game and how it's held up for Julius over the years.
Before we do that though, I am going to super-quickly talk about another 18 card microgame, Scott Alme's Food Chain Island.
- Food Chain Island (BGG)
- Suburbia (BGG)

Saturday Nov 21, 2020
1P 182 - 18 Card Microgames
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Julius and I spend some time taking a tour of the world of the 18 Card Microgame. This neat little sub-genre is full of all sorts of neat little games. These games are usually quick playing and often very creative.
- (10:10) Sprawlopolis (BGG, Button Shy)
- (15:00) Banned Books (BGG, Button Shy)
- (17:38) Ragemore (BGG, Button Shy)
- (19:39) Pentaquark (BGG, Button Shy)
- (24:18) Twins Stars I (BGG, Button Shy) & Twin Stars II (BGG, Button Shy)
- (26:40) SpaceShipped (BGG, Button Shy)
- (29:30) King's Gambit (BGG, Gamecrafter)
I went looking for references to 18 card microgrames for solo play but didn't find anything specific. Time to go make a geeklist...
Solo Playable 18 Card Microgames

Saturday Nov 14, 2020
1P 181 - Proving Grounds
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
Episode 181! This time we talk about Proofing Grounds... the game of editorial combat. I wish... that would be cool! This is Proving Grounds.. the game of gladiatorial combat! This is a game designed for exactly 1 player. Julius give us a detailed run-down and the game sure sounds interesting!

Saturday Nov 07, 2020
1P 180 - Oh MyGoods!
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
We are finally talking about this game that has been. It's been out for like 5 years waiting, just waiting for me to play and talk about it. Julius finally pushed me to do it and I've had a great time with it. Come here what we think about this game. I'll give you a spoiler.. it's fun but hard. Wait, did I just give it away?
Oh My Goods! (BGG, Lookout Games)
Oh My Goods! Longsdale in Revolt (BGG, Lookout Games)
Oh My Goods! Escape to Canyon Brook (BGG, Lookout Games)
Tybor the Builder (BGG, Lookout Games)
Expedition to Newdale (BGG, Lookout Games)